Automated Bank Data Feed into Microsoft Dynamics GP now available through Nolan Cloud Services!


  • Are you tired of manually downloading and uploading your banking activity into Dynamics GP?
  • Are you looking for more flexible and stronger auto-matching rule capabilities?
  • Do you wish for recurring type transactions to be automatically posted to your general ledger?
  • Do you need daily bank data reconciliation for better management of your cash position?

Using Nolan Cloud Services, a platform built on Microsoft Azure, Dynamics GP users can now experience a direct bank data feed from their bank into Dynamics GP. Combined with the Nolan Advanced Bank Reconciliation module, it can help you turn a time consuming and tedious task into a few simple steps, making it easy to do it daily!

Join us on Thursday February 11th for a FREE 30-minute educational webinar and see firsthand how this new offering can benefit your organization!





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