Nolan Business Solutions travelled the coast of California last week and the week before facilitating the NetSuite Oracle California user groups. Kim Haythornthwaite, Nolan Business Solutions GM, did a presentation on NetSuite SuiteAnalytics Workbooks that included the SuiteAnalytics Suite and the creation of Workbooks. Sample Workbooks and training examples were shown to give report writers ideas on how they can be used for financial and business reporting.

There were some great questions around creating formulas in workbooks. Here is the link is for creating SQL expressions:

Patty Gilbert, Nolan Business Solutions Technical Sales Director, presented on the new lease accounting features in 2019.1 in NetSuite Oracle.

Nolan Business Solutions and Business Solution Partners have been supporting the NetSuite user group community for 3 years. We are proud to encourage the creation of a heathy ecosystem of users to  network and learn from each other.

We collaboratively coordinate these events and work with end users and board members to create and design valuable content. Highlights included great attendance, valuable networking time and excellent scope of content. Sessions included NetSuite tips and tricks, SuiteAnalytics Workbooks, new features in 2019.1 and a deep dive into inventory.

Cities travelled to by Nolan Business Solutions included; San Francisco, Silicon Valley, El Segunde (LA), Tustin (OC), and San Diego. The location in San Diego was provided by Michell International, a NetSuite user and proud supporter of the NetSuite San Diego User Groups.

The next set of User Groups for California will be at the end of August 2019. Diana Dunphy and Mandy Voith will be representing Nolan Business Solutions. They will be covering topics based on the feedback from the current user group meetings. We look forward to seeing you there.



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